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Kanga Points and Fuel

What are Kanga Points?

Kanga points are an in-game reward and currency that can be used to buy new Kanga NFTs, packs of Joeys and Kanga Boosts. They are your main way to progress within Combat Kangas! Here are the prices for spending Kanga Points.

Kanga points price list
Points needed Reward
50 kanga points 1 Kanga boost
300 kanga points 1 Pack of Joeys
12000 kanga points Dingo at 12000 points

How do I get Kanga Points?

The easiest way to get Kanga Points is to play the game! They are an in-game reward that can be earned by playing the One Inch Punch Tournament. Winning will earn you a lot of points and there are Weekly and Monthly prizes to be won, but simply participating in a match will also reward you with some Kanga Points.

Playing for Kanga Points

The One Inch Punch Tournament

Match Rewards
Match result Reward
Win! 10 points
Draw! 5 point
Lose! 1 points

Weekly Rewards
Leader board position Reward
First place (Gold) 150 points
Second place (Silver) 50 points
Third place (Bronze) 25 points

Monthly Rewards
Leader board position Reward
First place (Gold) 1500 points
Second place (Silver) 600 points
Third place (Bronze) 300 points

Buying Kanga Points

Kanga Points can also be bought with Kanga Fuel or as an in-game purchase if you are looking for a leg up on the competition!

Kanga point packs
Pack size Price (USD) *Price (XKF) Saving
50 Kanga points n/a 1 $XKF
300 Kanga points $2.99 6 $XKF
1050 Kanga points $10.19 19 $XKF 3%
6000 Kanga points $12.00 102 $XKF 15%
2250 Kanga points $20.25 1 $XKF 10%
9000 Kanga points $72.00 144 $XKF 20%
12000 Kanga points $93.50 187 $XKF 22%

What is Kanga Fuel?

Kanga Fuel or $XKF is an XRP token which can be used to buy Packs of Joeys, Kanga Boosts or Kanga Points. It is the best way to buy Packs of Joeys because they are half price when using Kanga Fuel! Here are the prices for spending Kanga Fuel.

Kanga fuel rates
Kanga fuel needed ($XKF) Reward
6 $XKF 1 pack of Joeys (50% discount when 1xrp is 1Usd)
1 $XKF 1 Kanga boost
See "Kanga point packs" above Kanga points

1 Pack of Joeys is sold for $2.99 (USD) in the in-game shop.

How do I get Kanga Fuel?

$XKF (Kanga Fuel) is on sale for 0.5xrp, which in today's market is worth about $0.5(USD), and can be found here (a link to the XRP marketplace will follow). The owner of each Kanga minted from the xKangaMK1 collection will receive 5 $XKF! The rest of the supply will be sold on the DEX for 0.5xrp per token.

If the price of Kanga Fuel goes up or down - how does that affect Packs of Joeys?

Since nearly all of the Kanga Fuel will be sold on the DEX at a fixed price, it's unlikely that the price will go above the initial price of 0.5xrp. However, if the price does change, then the exchange rate between $XKF and a Pack of Joeys will stay the same (6 $XKF for 1 Pack of Joeys).

Trust Lines for $xKangaMK1 and $XKF

Trust lines
xKangaMK1 tokens Here
$XKF tokens Here

NFT's created so far!

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Wrecker Mugger
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