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Kanga Stats

What is a Kanga?

Kangas are not your average, everyday garden variety kangaroos. Hardened by experience and trained in the art of the One Inch Punch, they are built for battle. No two Kangas are the same but all Kangas have something in common - they love a good fight!

Fighting Stats

All Kangas have 5 fighting stats and a stamina level. Each stat is randomly rolled and generated when a Kanga is minted.

Fighting stats
Type Effect
Stamina How long a Kanga can fight for
XP How rare a Kanga is
Health How tough a Kanga is
Power How hard a Kanga can hit
Agility How fast a Kanga can hop about
Technique How good a Kanga is at fighting

A Kanga’s stamina determines how many times a Kanga can be used in the One Inch Punch Tournament each day (1 - 4 times). A Kanga’s XP rating is determined by how rare the Kanga is and all other stats are generated randomly from the following ranges.

Fighting stat ranges
Range 1 Range 2 Range 3 Range 4
Stamina 1 2 3 4
Health 1-25 26-50 51-75 76-100
Power 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12
Agility 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12
Technique 1 2 3 4

Kanga Boosts

While all Kangas are exceptional fighters, they can be pushed beyond their own limits. This is done by using Kanga Boosts. A Kanga’s stamina level and all of their fighting stats, apart from XP, can be upgraded when a Kanga Boost is used on the Kanga. However, Kangas can only be boosted 10 times - fighting beyond the limits takes its toll!

A Kanga that has a fairly average Power stat can be boosted to be able to punch with the best of them. A Kanga that has a perfect Health stat can be boosted beyond the maximum limit to be able to take as much punishment as a mountain and still stand firm. Kanga Boosts are applied based on a Kangas current stats and can improve them past their potential limit. Kanga Boosts are applied to stats in the following ways.

Health boosts
Max-score 128
Base value 1 point2 points3 points4 points5 points 6 points7 points8 points9 points10 points
1 515284051 6069778490
25 3037485867 7582889499
50 5560697784 9096101105109
75 8085909499 104108112115118
100 102105109113116 119122124126128

Power and Agility boosts
Max-score 15
Base value 1 point2 points3 points4 points5 points 6 points7 points8 points9 points10 points
1 23456 7891011
2 34567 89101112
3 45678 910111213
4 56789 1011121314
5 678910 1112131415
6 7891011 12131415
7 89101112 131415
8 9101112 131415
9 10111213 1415
10 111213 1415
11 121314 15
12 1314 15

Stamina and Technique boosts
Max-score 5
Base value 3 points 6 points 10 points
1 2 3 4
2 3 4 5
3 4 5
4 5

Wallet Score

Kangas become better fighters when they live and train together. Whenever you get a new Kanga, your Wallet Score will be applied to its fighting stats. This means that 2 stats will have an altered chance of rolling into higher or lower ranges when your Kanga is created. A lower Wallet Score can result in lower stats and a higher Wallet Score can result in higher stats. The effect your Wallet Score can have on your Kangas can be seen below.

Wallet score effects
Range 1 Range 2 Range 3 Range 4
Low 40 20 20 20
Okay 20 40 20 20
Good 20 20 40 20
kanga! 20 20 20 40

NFT's created so far!

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