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Want to use a Kanga as your profile pic?

Many people have asked if they can use a Kanga as their profile picture on Twitter, Discord and other platforms. We say, go nuts! Customize your own Kanga and show it off in the Suggestions room of our Discord or by tagging us on Twitter. Let’s spread Combat Kangas far and wide!

NFT's created so far!

Leviathan Rockit
Leviathan Rockit
(Xp: 6287)
Drogo Springclaw
Drogo Springclaw
(Xp: 6863)
Quil Black
Quil Black
(Xp: 6363)
Elliot Moonvalley
Elliot Moonvalley
(Xp: 6804)
Soren Dolemite
Soren Dolemite
(Xp: 6895)
Robert Lake
Robert Lake
(Xp: 7838)
Gio Damage
Gio Damage
(Xp: 6316)
Obliterator Bushwhacker
Obliterator Bushwhacker
(Xp: 6295)
Fynn Edge
Fynn Edge
(Xp: 6578)
Gharnef Fantombite
Gharnef Fantombite
(Xp: 7202)
Virus Animal
Virus Animal
(Xp: 8032)
Darko Blitz
Darko Blitz
(Xp: 6651)
Luc Battletooth
Luc Battletooth
(Xp: 5957)
Ken Claw-boi
Ken Claw-boi
(Xp: 5909)
Titania Paletail
Titania Paletail
(Xp: 8944)
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