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Want to use a Kanga as your profile pic?

Many people have asked if they can use a Kanga as their profile picture on Twitter, Discord and other platforms. We say, go nuts! Customize your own Kanga and show it off in the Suggestions room of our Discord or by tagging us on Twitter. Let’s spread Combat Kangas far and wide!

NFT's created so far!

Arnald Lone
Arnald Lone
(Xp: 6643)
Bergan Somberpaw
Bergan Somberpaw
(Xp: 6392)
Chicken Eruptor
Chicken Eruptor
(Xp: 5477)
Ryder Stinger
Ryder Stinger
(Xp: 6475)
Azagon Mugger
Azagon Mugger
(Xp: 6130)
Mac Wildmane
Mac Wildmane
(Xp: 5763)
Darko Stormer
Darko Stormer
(Xp: 6439)
Gunnar Damage
Gunnar Damage
(Xp: 6249)
Mirth Destroyer
Mirth Destroyer
(Xp: 8430)
Jack Pummel
Jack Pummel
(Xp: 8580)
Executioner Two-fist
Executioner Two-fist
(Xp: 6060)
Wolfgang Gentle
Wolfgang Gentle
(Xp: 7044)
Bardulf Moon
Bardulf Moon
(Xp: 8088)
Lance Destroyer
Lance Destroyer
(Xp: 6822)
Bergan Halfclaw
Bergan Halfclaw
(Xp: 5578)
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