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CK Tail Club

What is the Tail Club?

Tail Club is our exclusive members club, being a member will reward you with free packs of Joeys and special utility cards to play with in "The Way of The Paw"!

The Tail Club has 6 levels, each one with more benefits as you progress. To obtain access to the Tail Club you simply have to Pre-Mint your tokens for NFT's, the more you mint, the higher your level!

The Utility cards issued to Tail Club members are exclusive and will not be made available in the general pool. Each Tail Club level has its own card and each level receives all the cards from lower levels. E.g A level 4 member will get level 3's cards plus 2 more level 4 cards, totaling 6

Tail Club Levels
NFT's required Utility cards Kanga points Packs of Joeys
Level 1 20 1 card 6000 points 12 packs
Level 2 40 2 cards 12,000 points 25 packs
Level 3 80 4 cards 24,000 points 50 packs
Level 4 160 6 cards 36,000 points 100 packs
Level 5 320 8 card 48,000 points 200 packs
Level 6 640 10 cards 60,000 points 400 packs

Discord roles

Tail Club members that link their discord account will be automatically given a Tail Club role. The role shows other users you are a big thing, you also get to chat with other Tail Club members in the Tail Club room!

NFT's created so far!

Diablo Destroyer
Diablo Destroyer
(Xp: 7405)
Balrog Stinger
Balrog Stinger
(Xp: 6848)
Diablo Right-hook
Diablo Right-hook
(Xp: 6836)
Mort Duskfall
Mort Duskfall
(Xp: 5813)
Wolfgang Gentle
Wolfgang Gentle
(Xp: 7044)
Garrot Flank
Garrot Flank
(Xp: 6492)
Peratha Paletail
Peratha Paletail
(Xp: 9121)
Tusk Clash
Tusk Clash
(Xp: 7057)
Kiji Dash
Kiji Dash
(Xp: 7012)
Randwulf Frozen
Randwulf Frozen
(Xp: 7485)
Kitty Palemane
Kitty Palemane
(Xp: 7058)
Brogan White
Brogan White
(Xp: 5548)
Ripley Claw-boi
Ripley Claw-boi
(Xp: 6056)
Darko Flashbang
Darko Flashbang
(Xp: 6454)
Bardulf Sable
Bardulf Sable
(Xp: 8105)
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